Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Spy Lingo from The Daring Book for Girls

  • Acorn - someone who is performing an intelligence function
  • Agent - a person officially employed by an intelligence service
  • Agent (Undercover) - a secret agent
  • Agent (Deep-cover) - an agent under permanent cover
  • Agent (Double) - an agent simultaneously working for two enemies
  • Agent-in-charge - the head agent
  • Babysitter - bodyguard
  • Blowback - unexpected negative consequences of spying
  • Blown - detected, as in "your cover is blown"
  • Bona Fides - proof of a person's claimed identity
  • Brush Contact or Brush Pass - brief contact between two agents who are passing information, documents, or equipment
  • Burn Notice - an official statement from an intelligence agency saying that an individual or group is an unreliable source
  • Chicken Feed - low-grade information given by a double agent to an adversary to build the credibility of the double agent
  • Cobbler - spy who creates false passports, visas, diplomas, and other documents
  • Comm - small note or other written communication
  • Cover - a secret identity
  • Dead Drop - a secret hiding place somewhere in public where communications, documents, or equipment are placed for another agent to collect
  • Doppelganger - a decoy or look-alike
  • E&E - escape and evasion
  • Ears Only - documents too secret to commit to writing
  • Eyes Only - documents too secret to be talked about
  • Floater - a person used occasionally or even unknowingly for an intelligence operation
  • Friend - an agent or informant providing information
  • Front - a legitimate-appearing business created to provide cover for spies and their operations
  • Ghoul - agent who searches obituaries and graveyards for names to be used by agents
  • Honey Pot or Honey Trap - slang for use of men or women to trap a person using affection or romance
  • Informant - a person who provides intelligence to the surveillance team
  • Joe - a deep-cover agent
  • Legend - a background story or documents to support your cover
  • Letterbox - a person who acts as a go-between
  • Mole - an agent who penetrates enemy organizations
  • Naked - a spy operating without cover or backup
  • Paroles - passwords agents use to identify each other
  • Peep - photographer
  • Pocket litter - items in a spy's pocket (receipts, coins, etc.) that add authenticity to her identity
  • Ring - a network of spies or agents
  • Safehouse - a secret hideout
  • Sanitize - to "clean up" a report or other document to hide sensitive information
  • Sleeper Agents - spies who are placed in a target country or organization, not to undertake an immediate mission, but to be activated later
  • Spook - another word for spy
  • Target - the person being spied on
  • Target (Hard) - a target who actively maintains secrecy and doesn't let on that she is aware of the surveillance team
  • The Take - information gathered by spying
  • Trigger - an agent who watches for the target and alerts the rest of the surveillance team when the target is spotted
  • Unsub - an unknown subject in a surveillance operation
  • Undercover - disguising your identity, or using an assumed identity, in order to learn secret information
  • Walk-ins - agents (or non-agents) who offer their services
  • Window Dressing - like pocket litter, this is extra information included in a cover story to help make it seem more real
- from The Daring Book for Girls by Miriam Peskowitz


Sarah and Shadow said...

great! I can't wait to be useinf ==g some of these terms, though a lot of them I already knew. Being a spy is great, how long have you been one TOP SECRET? (In years)

Top Secret said...

Sorry, that's classified!

Anonymous said...

I had read the Daring Book for Girls, so I pretty much knew these. Can't wait to see more!


Sarah and Shadow said...

You know it's odd that both you and Josie have the Daring Book for Girls . . . yeah classified, but one thing about a spy is that we SPY! Spies are known for finding secrets! So guard your back TOP SECRET!

Top Secret said...

I was her MENTOR! You should think that we would synchronize stuff like that.